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Dissident Island Radio

Sep 9, 2021

Dissident Island episode 255 offers another serving of auditory agitation featuring:

– An extended interview with anarchist writer Iain McKay following on from our last chats with him in 2009 we caught up with him again to evaluate our wins, losses and lessons from the last economic meltdown, how we can harness the present moment to greatest effect, and how science, technology and another pandemic might be tackled were the world organised anarchically (00:01:53 – 00:46:12)

ACAB Andy on the line, this time bringing us a short legal roundup focused on the recent Kill The Bill demonstrations in Bristol and London (00:49:54 – 00:56:22)

– Our regular contribution to the B(A)D News bulletin for the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network (01:01:34 – 01:10:58)

– A roving dj set from Bionihil ranging from ambient/experimental through techno and back again (01:11:12 – 02:12:53)

plus tracks from Boarder and Fightmilk as well as a shoutout to our CZN comrades Ransom Notes