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Dissident Island Radio

Sep 10, 2012

Dissident Island’s back! After many weeks drinking rum cocktails, hanging out
with dogs in hats, searching for sunshine and making trouble whenever possible, we’ve cobbled together a show for you tonight featuring:

* SQUASH campaign on happenings around the country since the criminalisation of squatting was put into effect 1 September
* Words on a squatting project in Asti, Italy, which opens empty buildings and houses migrant families.
* A retrospective on participants of the London Critical Mass bike ride that
took place during the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics and resulted in several kettles and many arrests
* Climate Sirens live in the studio to discuss the amazing feat of climbing tower bridge for a banner drop and detail why they did it

Music, banter, bollocks and a DJ set by grime_z